• Address book of companies, contact persons and addresses
  • Connection with the database of economic entities ARES
  • Quick search for addresses on the map servers mapy.cz and Google
  • Call center – identification of incoming calls and caller search
  • Summary overviews of documents, activities, orders, orders, handover protocols, complaints, tasks, invoices and work reports related to the business partner always in one place

Perfect overview of customers

Address book records all information about customers, suppliers or business partners for which a single term is used in NET Genium – business relationship. Of course, the types of business relationships are not limited to the three, but are an excerpt from a list of predefined types that can be expanded at any time as needed.

The connection with the database of economic entities ARES allows the display of information about the customer in the Commercial Register with a single click on his identification number (IÄŒ), or allows his search, for example, by the name of the entity or other criteria.

We usually assign contact persons and addresses to business relationships. The number of assigned contact persons or addresses to one business relationship is not limited, typically there are several employees of a given customer or, for example, a billing and contact address. With a single click, it is possible to open a business card of a given contact in the MS Outlook application or in a mobile phone and then save it. The addresses can be easily searched on the map servers mapy.cz and Google.

The business relationship card contains a list of all its documents, e-mail communications, orders, orders, handover protocols, complaints, tasks, issued and received invoices or work reports intended for invoicing. In one place, there is an overview of all important information, including other attributes such as industry, annual revenues, CZ-NACE code, preferred methods of contacting for marketing purposes, notes, etc.

Call center support

The integrated Call Center works with the PBX and constantly monitors incoming calls. The calling number is immediately displayed in the information system together with a button that searches for the relevant business relationship in the directory for this number. And so before you make the call you know who is calling you and what are his orders, orders, complaints, etc.