Application group “Help”


The “Help” application group contains a tool for communicating with NET Genium administrators to solve problems and requirements. It also provides a guide to NET Genium's extensive knowledge and help library, either to the general features of NET Genium or to individual applications and their uses.


The “Troubleshooting” application is used to submit errors, requests or queries to NET Genium administrators. This is the most effective way to communicate between the administrator and the client. This application solves all problems and requirements associated with NET Genium. We strongly recommend using this method of communication instead of traditional e-mail or telephone.



The “Help” application contains links to the extensive .NET Genium General Knowledge and Help Library (this help may not be available on all client portals). Here the user can learn how the general features of NET Genium and specific applications work. The application contains links to online help and to individual modules such as:
