Application group “Settings”


The “Settings” application group contains tools for creating and editing user accounts, permissions, NET Genium appearance, scheduled Windows services, and settings for other general NET Genium features.

The application group contains the following applications:

  • Settings
  • Services

Entering users

All user management and creation of new user accounts can be found in the Settings application. Users and their access rights are usually managed by one administrator and his deputy (or a limited number of responsible persons).

User management requires a thorough knowledge of the organization and its employees and, as a rule, cannot be delegated to the (system administrator) portal developers.

The basic elements of user settings are:

  • Login details (username and password)
  • Contact details (e-mail, phone)
  • Rights to the application

User rights settings

Depending on the size and complexity of the portal and the data being managed, it is advisable to classify users into several User Groups and apply different levels/Authorization Groups.

It is not recommended to assign permissions to individual parts of the portal to individual users, but rather to assign them to the appropriate groups.

More details on the NET Genium Administration page.