Video tutorial

Tutorial content:

  • Demonstration of generating a mass payment order

Generation of payment orders

Click on the FINANCE module in the upper gray bar. In the left navigation bar, click on Incoming invoices, and then click on Invoices to payment. Then on the page we check the incoming invoices that we want to include in the mass payment order. When we are done, we click on the Bank application in the left navigation bar, and then we click on Payment orders. On the page, press the button Generate payment order. So if we want to generate payment order for all incoming invoices and other payables marked for payment, we press the OK button. We are now informed that generation of payment order successfully completed and that a mass payment order generated, which includes 3 incoming invoices. Then we click on the OK button. In the Payment orders table we now see the payment order we created in .kpc format, which we can upload to our internet banking.

Processing of generated payment orders – web interface

When uploading payment orders in the *.kpc file to the electronic banking system via an internet browser, the payment order can be searched on the computer using the Browse option on the bank's website. It is also possible to directly enter the Internet address of the generated order into Internet banking, thus eliminating the need to save the order to the computer before uploading it.

Processing of generated payment orders – client application

Some banks use their own client applications to process mass payment orders. If we have such an application installed, all we have to do is click on Payment order in NET Genium and select the Open option. The payment order will open in the bank's application.