Video tutorial

Tutorial content:

  • Example of inserting business relationships and contacts into a marketing list
  • Example of creating a campaign record

Inserting business relationships and contacts in a marketing list

In the CRM module, click on Campaigns in the left navigation bar. Before creating a new campaign, it is necessary to define a marketing list that contains the business accounts and contacts that we want to address within the campaign. At NET Genium, we have three marketing lists – A, B and C. So at one point we can plan three different campaigns at once. The campaigns then allow you to choose one of these three marketing lists and take over the marked business accounts and contacts from it into the campaign itself. In the left navigation bar, click on Marketing List A. Then, on the page, we will check all Business accounts that we want to include in marketing list A. For the actual selection of business accounts, we use search and filtering in the Business accounts table. Using the Refresh button, we can update the number of business accounts and contacts we have included in Marketing List A. In the same way, we will add contacts to marketing list A, or click on the button Include contacts of selected business accounts. On the Contacts tab, we now see that the contacts of the marked business accounts have also been included in marketing list A. We can now move on to creating the campaign itself.

Creating a campaign

In the left navigation bar, click Campaigns, then click New campaign on the page. A campaign form will open, in which we will fill in the name. Next, click on the Marketing List A option. On the Business accounts tab and on the Contacts tab, we see the business accounts and contacts included in marketing list A. On the Recipients tab, we define the e-mail addresses of the recipients of our campaign, which we can easily retrieve from the business accounts and contacts assigned to marketing list A using the Load list of recipients button. Next, fill in the field E-mail from, field Subject of message, and add the text of the e-mail. We can also click on the Browse button next to Message Attachment 1, which allows us to add any file attachment to our e-mail that will be sent with the e-mail. It's important that we first send a test email to the address we have chosen before sending the entire campaign to verify that our email has the correct content. So we'll check the test address, and click Send test e-mail. After checking, we can proceed to send the e-mail to all recipients of our campaign using the Send e-mail button. A list of all sent emails that have been sent in this campaign can be seen on the Activities tab. When we are done, we click on the General tab, where we change the status to Ongoing, and save the form. On the Campaigns page, we now see the campaign we created.