Video tutorial

Tutorial content:

  • Demonstration of batch approval of activities

If we want to mark some (or all) activities in the list of activities as fulfilled, this can be done very easily. From the CRM module, go to the Activities application in the left navigation bar and then click on Batch processing.

We will first fill in the field Deadline from on the page, which will filter out all the activities for which we are responsible in our chosen period on the page. We will now mark the activities we want to process in this way. We can Mark as completed or Delete activities. We can also assign them to a business account, quotation/contract, task or campaign. We can also assign an Activity type to the items we have marked. In our case, we will mark the activities selected by us as fulfilled. We can also decide whether or not to stay the activities marked after processing. Then click on the Mark as completed button. With this step, we collectively marked our activities as completed.